
General objectives

  • To develop a systematic understanding of the scientific aims and objectives of clinical research and of health services research;
  • To develop specific knowledge, competencies and skills regarding research methods and techniques applied in clinical and health services research;
  • To promote and develop the ability to conceive, design, adapt and perform relevant clinical research and health services research, in accordance with the requirements imposed by the higher standards of academic quality and integrity;
  • To perform an adequate and significant amount of original research either in, clinical research or in health services research preferably including relevant contributions that may extend the frontiers of our knowledge, part of which should be published in national and international peer reviewed journals;
  • To promote and develop the ability to critically appraise, evaluate and synthesize new and complex ideas and research work;
  • To promote and develop the ability to effectively communicate with peers, with the academic community and with the general public about the specialty research area;
  • To promote and develop a positive attitude, supporting, encouraging and advancing technological, social and cultural progress, in the academic and/or professional contexts.